I am posting three photo examples from my family archives. Though I do not have all the details of the photographs, regardless, they have value for what they do show. There is always the possibility of someone to fill in the details to complete the story.
One photo I have selected is significant and valuable because it shows most of my paternal great-grandmother’s siblings. This is valuable to me because it is unique. There are not any others that document the family members like this one does.
My great-grandmother and siblings, Reunion, date: 40’s, 50’s, or 60’s, place: unknown, possibly Kaufman County, Texas, formal clothing.

Another is a school picture that is very important because it documents a time and place in rural Texas. This could be a sought after document for the descendants of anyone of the children in the photograph.
School picture, possibly Bardwell, Texas, date: unknown

The third example is a home in Dallas, Texas where my grandmother lived for a brief period in time. Single family home, 1955, Dallas, Texas, address.